
Welcome to the 2023-2024 Mari Angryneer archives, Angryneer! We hope you find the memories you're looking for in our journal.

The 2023-2024 Mari Angryneer Archives

Table of Contents

RobotPage 5

Kiosk Page 10

Website Page 16

Video Page 20

Programming Page 24


Once upon a time in the Bird Kingdom, a group of angryneers at Marianopolis banded together to form the Mari Angryneers…

They've come a long way and now, they're gearing up for the CRC's 2024 Kryptik Angryneering Competition.

This priceless artifact contains the official 2023-2024 Mari Angryneer Archives, so cherish this journal and protect it, Angryneer!


Our struggles

The robot angryneers encountered a series of challenges as they prepared the robot for the Kryptik game. Head over to the Robot page to read all about it!

Coming up with a proper kiosk design was not our easiest job. We often struggled to follow a structured plan and usually just went with the flow. But in the end, the kiosk turned out very nicely!

To fix our scheduling problem, we decided to not focus on big overwhelming tasks but instead smaller ones to help us accomplish everything. This allowed us to work efficiently and get our tasks done without being too stressed about following a strict plan.


We welcomed several web development beginners this year, so we struggled to ensure everyone learned the necessary technologies to develop our website. However, thanks to guidance from our most experienced web developers, the website angryneers had lots of fun creating this final product.

Equipment for the video took a frustratingly long time to arrive, and once we received everything, the weather was too uninviting to film long scenes outside! Our video angryneers remained patient and planned meticulously in the meantime, so when the wait was over the filming and editing process went smoothly.

Our programmers had to balance solving the preliminary problems before the deadlines, helping other Mari Angryneers with their tasks, and of course, managing their school workload! This was far from easy, but with effective communication and collaboration, our programming angryneers stepped up to the challenge and overcame this hurdle.



8 members of the team standing in the École Curé-Antoine-Labelle auditorium.

Nov 13, 2023: Kickoff!

Angryneers from all over the Bird Kingdom gather at Curé-Antoine-Labelle high school, the site of the infamous angryneering competition held annually by the CRC, for the Kryptik 2024 kickoff!

A sketch of the robot design.

Nov 30, 2023

The Mari Angryneers discuss the different intake mechanisms to pick up the game pieces from the ground, and split into small teams to each work on intake prototypes and on base.


3 members of the robot team building the frame for the robot.

Dec 7, 2023

The robot angryneers settle on the dimensions of the base and wheelbase to optimise movement (especially while climbing the 12 degree slope toward the gutters) and start building the base.

7 members of the robot team testing out the flywheel mechanism.

Jan 10, 2024

The robot angryneers begin testing intake and double flywheel launching mechanisms with some promising results!


7 members of the robot team driving the robot onto a ramp.

Jan 11, 2024

The robot angryneers complete the base frame and mecanum wheelbase alignment. They build a ramp and test the robot's ramp-climbing abilities. Success!

2 members of the robot team soldering motors.

Jan 18, 2024

The robot angryneers finalise the circuit board with some (not-so) innovative soldering techniques.


The robot with the makeshift toboggan made out of cardboard.

Feb 6, 2024

A makeshift toboggan is assembled onto the robot for testing.

The tower with its vertical conveyor belt and double flywheel system.

Feb 20, 2024

The robot angryneers build a shooting tower to test out the improved double flywheel system with new gearbox ratios. Success!


The finalised version of the robot with all its functional systems.

Mar 7, 2024

After a long week of hard work, the robot angryneers have completed the toboggan, multiplier and intake systems to test a fully functional robot!



An early sketch of the kiosk plan.

Nov 30, 2023

The kiosk angryneers begin finalizing colours and props to replicate the King Pig's castle for the annual Kryptik competition!

A team member holding a plank of wood in the kiosk.

Dec 28, 2023

The walls of the castle replica are now set up and ready to be painted.


Three team members painting the kiosk walls.

Jan 8, 2024

The Mari Angryneers have their first in-person meeting of the new year. The kiosk angryneers apply primer to the walls to begin painting.

Three members of the team painting the kiosk in green.

Jan 9, 2024

As some of the angryneers finish setting up the outer stone walls of the castle, others continue painting the interior walls green to resemble the original King Pig's castle.


Three team members placing the wooden frames for the kiosk windows.

Jan 12, 2024

Windows were installed to perfectly replicate the King Pig's castle and to enjoy the beautiful view of the birds' island

A team member in the kiosk storage box.

Jan 18, 2024

A custom green couch is created from green fabric and wooden frames to represent the King Pig.


Two team members positioning the banner on the kiosk.

Feb 8, 2024

Velvet purple banners with a gold border are made and ready to be displayed on the castle's stone walls.

Four team members preparing the paint and sponges for the kiosk.

Feb 13, 2024

Several Mari Angryneers work together to paint a stunning sky gradient on the walls outside of the castle.


A team member sculpting the kiosk walls.

Feb 22, 2024

The kiosk angryneers have found a better way to create a stone wall: they will carve foam boards and paint them grey.

A team member spray painting the kiosk's wooden planks.

Mar 4, 2024

Wooden beams are spray-painted gold for a more majestic look and installed around the interior of the castle. The King Pig's castle is coming together nicely!


Two team members holding stuffing.

Mar 6, 2024

The kiosk angryneers make plushies out of quilting fabric and Polyfill stuffing for three Mari Angryneers: Red, Chuck, and Black. Soon, they'll be able to invite the rest of the team to join them inside!



Two team members working on the website.

Nov 30, 2023

The website angryneers begin discussing the content and structure of their 2024 Kryptik website, and decide to use Svelte and Bootstrap to develop the site this year!

An early plan of the Kryptik web page.

Dec 29, 2023

The website angryneers meet online to start designing layouts and interactive components such as 3D models and scroll animations.


Web page designs of the landing, Kryptik and home pages.

Jan 3, 2024

Now that website design and ideas have been finalized, the website Mari Angryneers begin delegating tasks to work more efficiently.

Two team members working on the website.

Jan 8, 2024

The website team moves swiftly in their work and finishes coding some reusable components and pages.


A team member working on the website.

Jan 10, 2024

Ming (aka. Silver) works tirelessly to code an awesome 3D Kryptik simulation!

A team member coding the website.

Feb 6, 2024

Some pages of the website now have an initial version completed! The website angryneers continue to design and code the remaining pages, while debugging and improving the completed ones.


Two team members working on the website.

Mar 7, 2024

The website angryneers have programmed all the pages, and only a few tasks are left: website content, improvements, and careful proofreading.

Two team members testing out the camera.

Mar 8, 2024

The website angryneers jot down their final updates on the team and present the website to finalize its features as the submission deadline approaches fast. Individual photos of the Mari Angryneers (not in bird form) are also taken and uploaded to the website!



Two team members discussing behind a laptop.

Nov 30, 2023

The video angryneers confirm that they will make a video tribute to the brave angryneers who fought and won against the King Pig and his allies. The video will be played for all to see at the 2024 Kryptik Angryneering competition to make for an even more festive and exciting celebration!

A team member inflating their pig suit.

Jan 8, 2024

Some of the video props and costumes have now arrived. Here's a sneak peak of the action…


A team member sleeping on the couch.

Jan 18, 2024

Video angryneer Zi Heng (aka. Tony) gets some much needed rest after spending many late nights on the script.

A team member in duck costume.

Feb 6, 2024

With a complete plan for the video, more props and costumes are ordered and on their way to the Mari Angryneers' base.


A team member taking pictures.

Feb 15, 2024

Video and other recording equipment has been delivered! The Mari Angryneers can't wait to create the video tribute and test their cameras to ensure they work as intended.

A team member in a green pig costume.

Feb 29, 2024

All the necessary props and tools are finally here. The video angryneers prepare for filming, and agree to create a tutorial on website design.


Filming the scene with three pigs discussing.

Mar 4, 2024

Today's a very exciting day: the Mari Angryneers begin filming the video!

Camera shot of the two pigs kneeling in front of the King Pig.

Mar 8, 2024

Filming is complete after several days of hard work. Time to edit for the video angryneers!



Two team members working on the first preliminary problem.

Nov 19, 2023

Thanks to Ming (aka. Silver) and Siva (aka. Chuck), the programming angryneers' initial solution to the first preliminary problem is complete.

List of steps to solve the first preliminary problem.

Dec 3, 2023

Aleksandr (aka. Hal) refactors our solution using Regex to cover more edge cases and adds more comments to improve readability. After some discussion, the programming angryneers submit their final solution for preliminary problem 1.


Two team members discussing in the hallway.

Jan 26, 2024

Ming and Aleksandr collaborate to determine the most optimal solutions for each part of preliminary problem 2. Once they reach agreement, the Mari Angryneers make their final submission for this problem.

Team members discussing their progress on the preliminary problems on Discord.

Feb 5, 2024

As soon as preliminary problem 3 is released, Ming and Aleksandr get to work.


One team member working on the preliminary problems.

Feb 18, 2024

After encountering some issues with lack of computing power and an overly long runtime for their solution to part 5, Ming and Aleksandr complete and submit the third preliminary problem.


~ The end ~

The 2023-2024 Mari Angryneer Archives

Table of Contents

RobotPage 11

Kiosk Page 27

Website Page 49

Video Page 65

Programming Page 81


Once upon a time in the Bird Kingdom, a group of angryneers at Marianopolis banded together to form the Mari Angryneers…


They've come a long way and now, they're gearing up for the CRC's 2024 Kryptik Angryneering Competition.


This priceless artifact contains the official 2023-2024 Mari Angryneer Archives, so cherish this journal and protect it, Angryneer!


Our struggles

The robot angryneers encountered a series of challenges as they prepared the robot for the Kryptik game. Head over to the Robot page to read all about it!


Coming up with a proper kiosk design was not our easiest job. We often struggled to follow a structured plan and usually just went with the flow. But in the end, the kiosk turned out very nicely!


To fix our scheduling problem, we decided to not focus on big overwhelming tasks but instead smaller ones to help us accomplish everything. This allowed us to work efficiently and get our tasks done without being too stressed about following a strict plan.


We welcomed several web development beginners this year, so we struggled to ensure everyone learned the necessary technologies to develop our website. However, thanks to guidance from our most experienced web developers, the website angryneers had lots of fun creating this final product.


Equipment for the video took a frustratingly long time to arrive, and once we received everything, the weather was too uninviting to film long scenes outside! Our video angryneers remained patient and planned meticulously in the meantime, so when the wait was over the filming and editing process went smoothly.


Our programmers had to balance solving the preliminary problems before the deadlines, helping other Mari Angryneers with their tasks, and of course, managing their school workload! This was far from easy, but with effective communication and collaboration, our programming angryneers stepped up to the challenge and overcame this hurdle.



8 members of the team standing in the École Curé-Antoine-Labelle auditorium.


Nov 13, 2023: Kickoff!

Angryneers from all over the Bird Kingdom gather at Curé-Antoine-Labelle high school, the site of the infamous angryneering competition held annually by the CRC, for the Kryptik 2024 kickoff!


A sketch of the robot design.


Nov 30, 2023

The Mari Angryneers discuss the different intake mechanisms to pick up the game pieces from the ground, and split into small teams to each work on intake prototypes and on base.


3 members of the robot team building the frame for the robot.


Dec 7, 2023

The robot angryneers settle on the dimensions of the base and wheelbase to optimise movement (especially while climbing the 12 degree slope toward the gutters) and start building the base.


7 members of the robot team testing out the flywheel mechanism.


Jan 10, 2024

The robot angryneers begin testing intake and double flywheel launching mechanisms with some promising results!


7 members of the robot team driving the robot onto a ramp.


Jan 11, 2024

The robot angryneers complete the base frame and mecanum wheelbase alignment. They build a ramp and test the robot's ramp-climbing abilities. Success!


2 members of the robot team soldering motors.


Jan 18, 2024

The robot angryneers finalise the circuit board with some (not-so) innovative soldering techniques.


The robot with the makeshift toboggan made out of cardboard.


Feb 20, 2024

The robot angryneers build a shooting tower to test out the improved double flywheel system with new gearbox ratios. Success!


The finalised version of the robot with all its functional systems.


Mar 7, 2024

After a long week of hard work, the robot angryneers have completed the toboggan, multiplier and intake systems to test a fully functional robot!



An early sketch of the kiosk plan.


Nov 30, 2023

The kiosk angryneers begin finalizing colours and props to replicate the King Pig's castle for the annual Kryptik competition!


A team member holding a plank of wood in the kiosk.


Dec 28, 2023

The walls of the castle replica are now set up and ready to be painted.


Three team members painting the kiosk walls.


Jan 8, 2024

The Mari Angryneers have their first in-person meeting of the new year. The kiosk angryneers apply primer to the walls to begin painting.


Three members of the team painting the kiosk in green.


Jan 9, 2024

As some of the angryneers finish setting up the outer stone walls of the castle, others continue painting the interior walls green to resemble the original King Pig's castle.


Three team members placing the wooden frames for the kiosk windows.


Jan 12, 2024

Windows were installed to perfectly replicate the King Pig's castle and to enjoy the beautiful view of the birds' island


A team member in the kiosk storage box.


Jan 18, 2024

A custom green couch is created from green fabric and wooden frames to represent the King Pig.


Two team members positioning the banner on the kiosk.


Feb 8, 2024

Velvet purple banners with a gold border are made and ready to be displayed on the castle's stone walls.


Four team members preparing the paint and sponges for the kiosk.


Feb 13, 2024

Several Mari Angryneers work together to paint a stunning sky gradient on the walls outside of the castle.


A team member sculpting the kiosk walls.


Feb 22, 2024

The kiosk angryneers have found a better way to create a stone wall: they will carve foam boards and paint them grey.


A team member spray painting the kiosk's wooden planks.


Mar 4, 2024

Wooden beams are spray-painted gold for a more majestic look and installed around the interior of the castle. The King Pig's castle is coming together nicely!


Two team members holding stuffing.


Mar 6, 2024

The kiosk angryneers make plushies out of quilting fabric and Polyfill stuffing for three Mari Angryneers: Red, Chuck, and Black. Soon, they'll be able to invite the rest of the team to join them inside!



Two team members working on the website.


Nov 30, 2023

The website angryneers begin discussing the content and structure of their 2024 Kryptik website, and decide to use Svelte and Bootstrap to develop the site this year!


An early plan of the Kryptik web page.


Dec 29, 2023

The website angryneers meet online to start designing layouts and interactive components such as 3D models and scroll animations.


Web page designs of the landing, Kryptik and home pages.


Jan 3, 2024

Now that website design and ideas have been finalized, the website Mari Angryneers begin delegating tasks to work more efficiently.


Two team members working on the website.


Jan 8, 2024

The website team moves swiftly in their work and finishes coding some reusable components and pages.


A team member working on the website.


Jan 10, 2024

Ming (aka. Silver) works tirelessly to code an awesome 3D Kryptik simulation!


A team member coding the website.


Feb 6, 2024

Some pages of the website now have an initial version completed! The website angryneers continue to design and code the remaining pages, while debugging and improving the completed ones.


Two team members working on the website.


Mar 7, 2024

The website angryneers have programmed all the pages, and only a few tasks are left: website content, improvements, and careful proofreading.


Two team members testing out the camera.


Mar 8, 2024

The website angryneers jot down their final updates on the team and present the website to finalize its features as the submission deadline approaches fast. Individual photos of the Mari Angryneers (not in bird form) are also taken and uploaded to the website!



Two team members discussing behind a laptop.


Nov 30, 2023

The video angryneers confirm that they will make a video tribute to the brave angryneers who fought and won against the King Pig and his allies. The video will be played for all to see at the 2024 Kryptik Angryneering competition to make for an even more festive and exciting celebration!


A team member inflating their pig suit.


Jan 8, 2024

Some of the video props and costumes have now arrived. Here's a sneak peak of the action…


A team member sleeping on the couch.


Jan 18, 2024

Video angryneer Zi Heng (aka. Tony) gets some much needed rest after spending many late nights on the script.


A team member in duck costume.


Feb 6, 2024

With a complete plan for the video, more props and costumes are ordered and on their way to the Mari Angryneers' base.


A team member taking pictures.


Feb 15, 2024

Video and other recording equipment has been delivered! The Mari Angryneers can't wait to create the video tribute and test their cameras to ensure they work as intended.


A team member in a green pig costume.


Feb 29, 2024

All the necessary props and tools are finally here. The video angryneers prepare for filming, and agree to create a tutorial on website design.


Filming the scene with three pigs discussing.


Mar 4, 2024

Today's a very exciting day: the Mari Angryneers begin filming the video!


Camera shot of the two pigs kneeling in front of the King Pig.


Mar 8, 2024

Filming is complete after several days of hard work. Time to edit for the video angryneers!



Two team members working on the first preliminary problem.


Nov 19, 2023

Thanks to Ming (aka. Silver) and Siva (aka. Chuck), the programming angryneers' initial solution to the first preliminary problem is complete.


List of steps to solve the first preliminary problem.


Dec 3, 2023

Aleksandr (aka. Hal) refactors our solution using Regex to cover more edge cases and adds more comments to improve readability. After some discussion, the programming angryneers submit their final solution for preliminary problem 1.


Two team members discussing in the hallway.


Jan 26, 2024

Ming and Aleksandr collaborate to determine the most optimal solutions for each part of preliminary problem 2. Once they reach agreement, the Mari Angryneers make their final submission for this problem.


Team members discussing their progress on the preliminary problems on Discord.


Feb 5, 2024

As soon as preliminary problem 3 is released, Ming and Aleksandr get to work.


One team member working on the preliminary problems.


Feb 18, 2024

After encountering some issues with lack of computing power and an overly long runtime for their solution to part 5, Ming and Aleksandr complete and submit the third preliminary problem.


~ The end ~


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